Yeah, yeah, I should have used perl


After reading my compelling post on a clojure Slack-bot, an astute reader1 pointed out that using the fullblown apparatus of compojure, jetty, jvm, etc. for something this silly is really only justified when the entire purpose of the exercise is procrastination. Well, dear astute reader, that was the entire purpose, but you're right. Ok, here it is in perl,

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    use Mojolicious::Lite;
    use File::Slurp;
    my $token = read_file("TOKEN");
    my @lines = split(/\0/,read_file("LINES"));
    post '/slacks' => sub {
      my $c   = shift;
      my $t   = $c->param('token');
      if ($t eq $token) {
          $c->render(json => {text …
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Procrastination with a clojure M-x yow slackbot


I really should be working on this obscure distributed RDF/FRP thing, but for various reasons my head isn't working properly write now. So I did this other stupid thing instead.


Once upon a time, M-x yow in emacs would deliver a nice random quote from Zippy the Pinhead. Nowadays, you just get

Yow!  Legally-imposed CULTURE-reduction is CABBAGE-BRAINED!

which has something to do with copyright law. More specifically, the file yow.lines in emacs' data-directory now contains only the opinion expressed above, rather than the original seven-hundred or so precious epigrams, delimited by \000. I have heard dark …

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