FUNCTIONAL functional reactive programming, state monads and all that, in Clojure

In my last post, I talked a bit about how FRP might look if state were maintained explicitly in persistent data structures, rather than in hidden mutable structures. The accompanying code was in Scala, but my first implementation was actually in Clojure. I was originally going to use the Clojure code in the post, but, having taken motivating example code from a Scala paper, it felt lazy to switch to Clojure just because I felt like it.

That said, it really was more fun to write in Clojure, and in some ways I think it is clearer. Additionally, it seems …

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FUNCTIONAL functional reactive programming

I totally agree with Paul Chiusano that the Reactive Manifesto not even wrong. In addition to the breezy non-falsifiability of its assertions, I have trouble with the name itself. Manifestos seldom work out well, in the sense of there not being a lot of corpses. (Plus which, "reactive" is acually a word, and a "reactive manifesto" doesn't sound like it would be very proactive, like.)

BUT reactive programming is important, it's useful, and I need to understand it better. Herewith, then, I shall:

  1. Very briefly introduce reactive programming as I understand it.
  2. Complain that I don't understand why they call …
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