Archives for podsnap

Apply Within - Bringing applicative desugaring to scala for-notation

Do you believe in magic?

Parallelize all the things -- Deconstructing Haxl, with Clojure macros, topological sorting and Quasar fibers

Losing my religion: Switching to windows + linux under Hyper-V

Scala Partial Functions Are Disgusting and Unnecessary

Notes on Horrible Code

Know when to fold 'em: visualizing the streaming, concurrent reduce

Spying on myself


A minimalist translation of Clojure's core.async to Scala

Look at the Pie. Or my new, crappy watch I made myself.

Squiggly Lines: Background lint- and type-checking for Clojure in emacs.

NYC Clojure Meetup slides on lenses and appropriate typing

Lost in Transduction - Heresy and ingratitude edition

Stateless but state-aware types for transducers in Scala, using what seems to be magic

Purely functional transducers - where does state belong?

Type-safe transducers in Clojure. And Scala. And Haskell.

Yak herding for misers - wrangling hundreds of AWS Instances with Clojure

vanholes - Van Laarhoven Lenses in Clojure

tinholes - performant, strongly typed lenses in Clojure

Pinholes 2 - Ignorance, misrepresentation and prejudice edition

Pinholes - Idiomatic Clojure Lenses

'Ducers Wild -- a concise guide to the menagerie

Testing on Hundreds of AWS Instances - (sort of Distributed functional programming, part 3a)

Comedy - A brief syllabus in honor of Joan Rivers

Distributed purely functional programming, part 2

Quick tip on getting lein to recognize your new dependency

Beauty and the Beast - Distributed functional programming, part 1

Yeah, yeah, I should have used perl

Procrastination with a clojure M-x yow slackbot

Boyhood vs Little House Smackdown

Fortran, Clojure, Haskell and Julia are not at war

Sign of the Times - Managing inhomogeneously bitemporal data with Datomic and Clojure

Orders of Magnitude for Free!

Scala for Beginners - The secret information "they" don't want you to know.

FUNCTIONAL functional reactive programming, state monads and all that, in Clojure

FUNCTIONAL functional reactive programming

xkcd 1313 by simulated annealing in Clojure

Hack the Wine

Notes on Arrogance

Headfirst Search

Game, Set, Match

Making a pretentious logo using CSS

Porting a land line to Google Voice and Obihai

Typecasting, part 2

What if John Conway Wrote Esolangs?

Hollywood Typecasting - Adventures with typed clojure and IMDB

Deriving the Y-Combinator in Clojure

Computer Chess is not just a bad movie, it is a despicable movie.

Medical Moneyball!!

Varieties of laziness: clojure reducers, scala views and closure functors

futures on functors of function functors for fun and function

Three Laws of Functor Confusion
